Find The Best Books –

As a lifelong bookworm and now an author, I am so chuffed to have been asked to combine my passions and participate in, an exciting new way to discover books online.

Each entry on the website is a list of the five best books on a topic, recommended and reviewed by experts in the field; i.e. authors with authority on that subject. Click here or on the image below to go to my contribution, on Getting to Know Romania And Her People, which I am qualified to make after spending three months touring Romania in a caravan with four (then five!) dogs.

In Romania, The Fab Four became The Famous Five. Here they are with Blade, our adopted street dog at Bârsana Monastery, Maramureș

From The Best Books on Adventure, Healing and Growth from Jean Muenchrath, who survived a life-threatening mountaineering accident to Zeppelin Airships by aircraft historian Alexander Rose, there is something for everyone – plus it is a great way to discover new and interesting subjects.

Founder, Ben Fox, says, “Shepherd is creating an experience that is like wandering around your favorite bookstore, but online. Along with little notes from authors pointing out their favorite books. I love walking around the bookstore and browsing until something grabs my attention. I want to bring that experience online. I want to help readers bump into books they would otherwise not find and give them ways to follow their curiosity between topics and concepts.”

I know a lot of you, my lovely readers, are travel buffs, so naturally there are many lists that might pique your interest, such as Moving To Portugal, Imperial Russia, Funny Travel Books (right up my street!) or Living In A RV For A Beginner. for Book Lovers! Image by Jess Bailey from Pixabay

Pet lovers might enjoy The Best Books For Cat Lovers, Inspiring Dogs, African Wildlife And Safaris or Lost Dog Recovery.

But since as travellers, we are all fundamentally curious and on a voyage of discovery, I can’t wait to get stuck into some more eclectic choices on subjects I might have been reluctant to tackle or not known where to start, such as A Taste Of Philosophy, Economics and Game Theory, Learning About Investigative Reporting or Medieval Life.

There are already more than 200 categories, including books about Female Pilots, For People Who Love Maps, How To Start A Side Hustle and Taoism.

But be warned. Deserts is not a spelling mistake. There’s not a Tiramisu in sight!

Why not pop over and Read the World?!

If you are an author or expert and would like to submit your own list of Best Books on your favourite subject, please email for more details. Please mention Jackie!

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Published by Jacqueline Lambert @WorldWideWalkies

AD (After Dogs) - We retired early to tour Europe in a caravan with four dogs. "To boldly go where no van has gone before". Since 2021, we've been at large in a 24.5-tonne self-converted ex-army truck called The Beast. BC (Before Canines) - we had adventures on every continent other than Antarctica!

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