Animal Health Certificates – What You Need To Know

With printable checklists Updated with new information 01/06/22 Don’t leave your best friend behind! Since the Brexit transition period ended on 1st of January 2021, taking your pets abroad from the UK involves much more red tape. On 9th December 2020, The European Union announced that from 1st January 2021, Britain, except Northern Ireland, willContinue reading “Animal Health Certificates – What You Need To Know”


Last Updated 23rd June 2021 with printable checklists added. Since the Brexit transition period ended on 1st of January 2021, taking your pets abroad from the UK involve much more red tape. On 9th December 2020, The European Union announced that from 1st January 2021, Britain, except Northern Ireland, will have ‘Part 2’ listed statusContinue reading “IMPORTANT POST BREXIT PET TRAVEL UPDATE”

How Brexit Affects European Travel

Last updated with new information 11th February 2023. Please note that Brexit is a developing situation. While every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, please double-check before you travel.  Britain left the E.U. on 31st January 2020 and entered a transition period which ended on 31stContinue reading “How Brexit Affects European Travel”