Of Mice & Men – Éguisheim, Alsace, France

“For breakfast, they have a massive bowl of coffee, like a cereal bowl, and they dip in pieces of a huge, bell-shaped cake, called Kugelhopf!” These were the awed observations of cultural differences, relayed to my parents, following my first ever trip abroad. Aged 14, I had been on a school exchange to Alsace toContinue reading “Of Mice & Men – Éguisheim, Alsace, France”

“I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Cluny” – The City of the Horse, Bourgogne, France

Since the caravan brakes didn’t fail and we’ve already used up the stress-making options of a Kamikaze Lorry and towing a caravan through the Mistral, Mark tried to add a different layer of excitement to our departure. As he loaded the bikes on to the van, he tried to amputate the end of his fingerContinue reading ““I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Cluny” – The City of the Horse, Bourgogne, France”

A Week in Provence – Verdon to Avignon: We Plan, The Gods Laugh…

Big Blue and Caravan Kismet were all packed up and ready to go by 9am, right on schedule. We had appointments in Avignon the following day. After our hair-raising drive in, the plan was to leave early and get the precipitous hairpins of the Gorges du Verdon out of the way before it got tooContinue reading “A Week in Provence – Verdon to Avignon: We Plan, The Gods Laugh…”

Dogs in Barolo Wine Museum & A Template for a Long Lost Tattoo

“How does Mark decide on designs for his tattoos?” Another question that we’re often asked. All of his tattoos have significance, but as with, “How do you decide where to go on your travels?” – it is a question with an equally convoluted answer.